An exuberant young man in a wheelchair with arms raised in  excitement, with a carer woman pushing the wheelchair

We are dedicated to transforming passenger assistance at airports through digital innovation. Our cloud-based platform brings passengers, assistance staff, cabin crew, and boarding agents together to enable seamless communication, improve efficiency and enhance passenger experience.

We understand assisted travel very well. It's all we do!
An elderly man wearing a face mask sitting in a wheelchair, pushed by a uniformed attendant at an airport

Auto allocation of tasks to the nearest agent

A person sitting in a wheelchair, viewed from behind, looking at a smartphone

Bridging communication gaps & improving service levels

A map displaying the area around London Gatwick airport

Geolocation of passengers and crew on the airport map

A futuristic display with various types of data visualizations and analytics, including graphs, maps, and charts.

Providing airlines and airports with instant data and analytics

"London Gatwick’s Accessibility Strategy sets out our vision for the experiences of people with disabilities or mobility impairment. An important element of achieving our aims is having a high-quality special assistance service and the deployment of Ostrum will support us in delivering this.

We are looking forward to trialling the platform for digitally engaging passengers, cabin crew and pilots. This will help us to transform passenger experience and to improve aircraft turnaround efficiency."
Image of Head of Passenger Operations and Services, London Gatwick, London Gatwick
Nick Williams,

Head of Passenger Operations and Services, London Gatwick

"The barriers in collaboration among stakeholders in the PRM sector remain a real challenge.

I look forward to Ostrum platform bringing everyone together and in turn mitigating the difficulty in sharing information related to disabled travellers throughout their journey."
Image of Andrew Wright,Disability Advocate, Accessible Travel Limited
Andrew Wright,

Disability Advocate, Accessible Travel Limited

"I have worked in the industry for a long time and have experienced many system transitions. The recent switch at Gatwick airport from their older system to Ostrum was the most impressive I have seen. It frequently takes a long time when transitioning for an operation to regain functionality (several days) and this has an impact on the customers. However this transition was so smooth (a few hours) that I believe it is a great demonstration for other airports who are considering Ostrum."
Image of Geraldine Lundy MBE,Director, Accessible Travel Consultancy Limited
Geraldine Lundy MBE,

Director, Accessible Travel Consultancy Limited

Ostrum SaaS Platform

Across the world, airports and airlines are legally obliged to provide free assistance to passengers with reduced mobility (PRM) and to passengers with disabilities. Approximately 2% of passengers traveling through airports require such assistance.

Our airport PRM software, "Ostrum", enables airports and airlines to manage assistance services efficiently. As a SaaS platform hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ostrum facilitates seamless communication and coordination between passengers, assistance staff, cabin crew, and boarding agents. By bridging critical communication gaps in assisted travel, Ostrum ensures a smoother, more reliable experience for all parties involved.

Designed exclusively for airport PRM operations, Ostrum is the most sophisticated and most modern PRM software product in the world! It addresses long-standing challenges in the industry, moving beyond the legacy procedures that have remained largely unchanged for 30 years. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges in airport assistance, Ostrum is committed to transforming special assistance using technology-driven innovation.

Logo of Wilson James
Logo of the London Gatwick airport
Logo of London Luton airport
Logo of powered by AWS
Logo of TRIG
Join us in our mission to transform passenger assistance at airports.